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Different Vacuum Dust Control Solutions You Can Use For Your Construction Project

Construction dust, particularly silica dust, is extremely hazardous. If you breathe it in, silica dust can lead to serious health issues like lung cancer, silicosis, and tuberculosis. These particles are made by drilling and grinding abrasive sand, granite, sandstone, and more. While there are several options for mitigating dust-related risks, the most effective one is purchasing and using a high-quality vacuum cleaner.

A vacuum cleaner easily contains the problem inside the worksite without contaminating other areas.

Stationary vacuum systems

A stationary vacuum system is a large, permanent vacuum system. They are fully automated and can function around the clock. Stationary vacuum systems typically eliminate dust such as sawdust, explosive dust, and hazardous dust like asbestos. Stationary vacuums are multifunctional in that they can be used for a wide range of tasks. Compared to portable vacuum systems, they need less effort and space and are easier to use. They are a great option for satisfying the EPA requirements because they are efficient and powerful (up to 30 HP). They are also highly effective as BossTek dust control measures since they can operate continuously with minimal human intervention. Although initially costly, they will prove to be highly cost-effective in the long term.

HEPA Vacuum cleaners

HEPA vacuums, (High-Efficiency Particulate Air vacuums) use HEPA filters. HEPA filters are required to remove at least 99.97 percent of particles larger than 0.3 mm (or micrometers or microns). Models of HEPA vacuum cleaners can filter either wet or dry debris, making them excellent for cleaning up messes caused by dirt, mold, or dust. HEPA vacuums are used in clean rooms to eliminate impurities during the manufacturing of microprocessors, medical devices, disk drives, food and pharmaceutical products, semiconductors, and other small technological components.

Industrial vacuum cleaners

Industrial vacuums are heavy-duty devices used to “vacuum” dirt, debris, and other undesirable solid and liquid substances off flooring and furniture surfaces. They are commonly used on construction sites, factories, metalworking shops, woodworking shops, warehousing, and other places where waste is produced in huge quantities. Furthermore, they frequently work on recycling, reclamation, and spill-cleaning operations. Industrial vacuum cleaners can collect abrasives, coolant and oil mist, explosive media, fine particles, metalworking chips, metalworking fluids, litter, non-free flowing media, and welding fumes.

Portable vacuum cleaners

Portable vacuums are better than central vacuums because they can be used in places where central vacuums can’t be found and are easier to maintain. The main difference between regular vacuums and portable ones is the latter’s portability. They can use agitators to clean carpets or clear hollow hoses to remove water and moisture. Their collection chambers, which can be made of cloth or plastic and separated from the inlet and outlet channels by many filters or just one filter, can be used for a wide variety of purposes.

Construction sites generate several types of waste, but silica dust is particularly troublesome. To get rid of different types of dust, you need a method that takes into account the type of material, the best way to get rid of it, and the right tool.

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