When you operate a seasonal factory during your low season when there is not as much demand for your product, it is an excellent time to plan a spring clean. You can close your production line for a day and have your employees give your factory a thorough cleaning and ensure it is spotless before resuming production. It will take some time to plan this for your factory and ensure everything is taken care of, but it can help make the task much more straightforward and manageable. Below are some tips to help you start planning for cleaning your factory and ensure that once you are done, your facility will be spotless.
The Best Day For The Job
You can tell from your company records when you are least busy, so you will want to select your quietest week and plan your cleaning. Do your cleaning on a Friday, which means you have four days to prepare and ensure the job gets done correctly and efficiently. Consider rewarding your employees for their hard work by allowing them to finish early as soon as all the tasks are complete. Once you have your date set, you must ensure you have everything you need and create a shopping list of supplies to purchase.
Getting Your Cleaning Supplies
You will need to look at all the jobs that require doing and make a list of all the materials and cleaning products you will require. Breaking the cleaning operation down into separate tasks will make things much easier for you and help ensure nothing gets missed out. You will want to create a shopping list of things you need, such as an industrial floor cleaner or a heavy-duty degreaser from a reputable supplier like APT. Start shopping around to get the best products at competitive prices, and you are almost set to start cleaning.
Preparing To Start Cleaning]
Doing your cleaning task on a Friday will give you Monday through Thursday to prepare the area to help the job go smoothly. You can start clearing things out of spaces and disposing of rubbish before your cleaning, giving you less to do on the day and making it easier with fewer things in your way. Create a plan for everything you can do before you start cleaning, and designate tasks for your employees to ensure everything is ready for cleaning at the end of the week.
The Day Of Cleaning
Once the day has arrived to start cleaning your factory, treat your employees to some breakfast to help ensure everybody is ready to tackle their cleaning tasks. They will be much happier and able to work harder when their stomachs are full, and the incentive of finishing early can help them do their jobs quickly and to a high standard. Before tasks are marked as complete on your list, ensure the cleaning work is inspected first, and employees who finish their jobs first can go to help their colleagues in other areas. Using teamwork, your employees can complete the cleaning of the factory and ensure it is spotless before resuming production and getting ready for your peak season, whenever that is.